Sofa Talks - System Integration: Time to optimise the grid | WindEurope
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Sofa Talks - System Integration: Time to optimise the grid

Published on 09 April 2020


Europe's power system is undergoing a profound change. Increasing amounts of renewable energy sources are displacing conventional forms of generation. New demand points (EV charging points, data centres, etc.) are also growing quickly. And new generation capacity is growing at a much faster pace than grid infrastructure development, because of long permitting processes and project acceptance issues.

But current planning and operational practices are designed for the traditional power system, where generation is centralised, connected to the transmission grid and then distributed one direction towards consumers. Frankly, this model is no longer valid. Grid congestion and bottlenecks are growing. System operators and grid developers are reconsidering the way the grid is designed and operated. We must find new ways to optimise the existing assets. And we can. Digitalisation, real-time data and new innovative solutions allow system operators to make better use of the existing infrastructure.

In this Sofa Talk, WindEurope's Daniel Fraile will take you through the basics of system operation, highlighting the main challenges faced by the industry today. Our guest speaker will be Rena Kuwahata from innovative solution provider Ampacimon, who will share Ampacimon’s experiences and their vision of the future system.
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