Sofa Talks - How Europe can ensure that it meets its wind energy goals | WindEurope
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Sofa Talks - How Europe can ensure that it meets its wind energy goals

Published on 23 June 2021


Europe is preparing for the next stage of the renewable energy transition. The EU has increased its 2030 emission reduction target from 40% to at least 55% and this will require higher ambition on renewables for 2030 too.

This Sofa Talk will focus on the challenges that need to be tackled to ensure Europe meets its wind energy goals. How to simplify and speed up permitting. How to build out and upgrade the electricity grids. How to ensure the necessary levels of investment in port and road infrastructure. How to repower existing wind farms when they reach end-of-life. What we need in turbine technology development. And crucially how government policy can support all of this.

Join the Belgian Energy Minister, Tinne Van der Straeten, and our panel of industry experts to find out more.

Moderator: Javiez Sanz, Thematic Leader Renewable Energies, InnoEnergy – a technology incubation partner of WindEurope

- Tinne van der Straeten, Belgian Energy Minister
- Martin Knops, CTO, ZF Wind Power
- Mary Thorogood, Senior Specialist, Global Public Affairs, Vestas
- Giles Dickson, CEO, WindEurope

