Sofa Talks - Advanced manufacturing in the European wind industry | WindEurope
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Sofa Talks - Advanced manufacturing in the European wind industry

Published on 03 June 2021


Advanced manufacturing of wind turbines will become increasingly important in the delivery of an energy transition “made in Europe”. Under this system, operational and information technologies come together to boost factory output and reduce costs. Automation, robotics, advanced sensing and AI can enable breakthrough innovation in products and manufacturing processes. This will be a key factor in our technology leadership.

The European wind industry is already undergoing major shifts: turbines are getting bigger, development cycles shorter and there’s more modular manufacturing.

What impact will advanced manufacturing have? How can it support Europe’s continued wind technology leadership? Join our panel of industry leaders to find out.

Moderator: Josh Gartland, Senior Trade and Competitiveness Advisor, WindEurope
- Hanif Mashal, Vice President of Engineering, LM Wind Power
- Rada Rodriguez, Orgalim President
- Victor Picó, Kam, Aritex
- Stefania Ferrero, Business Development, Marketing & Digital Innovation Manager for Machining Systems, Comau

