Grids meet Renewables - Conference and Best Practice Fair | WindEurope
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Grids meet Renewables – Conference and Best Practice Fair

Grids meet Renewables - Conference and Best Practice Fair

Grids meet Renewables – Conference and Best Practice Fair
20 February 2018 at The Egg, Brussels, Belgium

The energy sector is currently undergoing a grand transition, one that will most likely have a significant impact on citizens, consumers, industry and the environment. The transformation needs a joint concept of the future energy landscape, shared by a variety of actors – including the renewables and grid industries – to meet societal expectations and technological requirements. Our event “Grids meet Renewables” will provide space for an open dialogue between these actors, deep diving on the key challenges and potential solution and current best practices implemented by industry and civil society.

The event focused on the following questions:

View photos from the event


Please have a look at the full agenda here.

In addition, a Best Practice Fair created opportunities for the exchange and discussion of best practices in different areas that are relevant for a renewables-based energy landscape. Participants had the opportunity to find new inspiration and learn from the experience of existing initiatives.


The conference and best practice fair took place at The Egg in the heart of Europe, in Brussels.


Click on the banner below to see the full infographic!


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