9 February 2017
Wind in power: 2016 European statistics

© Senvion
Europe installed 12.5 GW of gross additional wind capacity in 2016. This was 3% less than the new installations in 2015. With a total installed capacity of 153.7 GW, wind energy now overtakes coal as the second largest form of power generation capacity in Europe.
2016 annual figures
- 12.5 GW of new wind power capacity was installed and grid-connected in the EU during 2016, a decrease of 3% compared to 2015 annual installations. 10,923 MW were installed onshore, and 1,567 MW were installed offshore.
- Wind power installed more than any other form of power generation in Europe in 2016. Wind power accounted for 51% of total power capacity installations.
- Renewable energy accounted for 86% of all new EU power installations in 2016: 21.1 GW of a total 24.5 GW of new power capacity.
- With almost 300 TWh generated in 2016, wind power covered 10.4 % of the EU’s electricity demand.
- €27.5 billion were invested in 2016 to finance wind energy development. This was 5% more than the total investment in 2015.