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Local impact, global leadership

Local impact,
global leadership

The impact of wind energy on jobs and the EU economy

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Wind energy has transitioned in the last decade from a niche technology to an industrial sector that provides Europe with clean, competitive and reliable energy.

In the process Europe has built up a world-beating wind energy industry with turbine manufacturers that lead the global market, developers with an international footprint and unmatched research and innovation capability.

This remarkable development has yielded considerable benefits to the European economy, generating revenue to local communities, creating tens of thousands of high skilled jobs and reducing Europe’s fuel import dependency.


In 2016 the wind energy industry contributed with €36.1bn to the EU’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

The wind energy industry is a global net exporter, with a positive trade balance of €2.4bn in 2016.

Wind energy created 262,712 jobs in the EU in 2016.

Between 2011 and 2016, wind energy has reduced by €32bn EU’s fossil fuel import bill

Explore the key figures

The of wind energy on jobs and impact the EU economy

Contribution of wind energy to the EU’s economy in 2016

Biggest GDP contributors within the wind industry

Wind energy’s contribution to EU GDP 2007 – 2016

Indirect economic impact of €1,000 spent in wind energy

Gross exports and imports of the wind energy industry

Biggest exporting countries in the EU for wind energy equipment and components

Direct jobs created within the wind energy industry

R&D Investments in wind energy

Avoided CO2 emissions by wind energy

Avoided fossil fuel imports by wind energy

Wind energy’s contribution forecast to 2020 and 2030

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