Global wind report - annual market update 2011 | WindEurope
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Global wind report – annual market update 2011

Wind power weathers the economic storm in 2011 to reach new markets

The wind industry installed over 41 GW of new clean, reliable wind power in 2011, bringing the total installed capacity globally to more than 238 GW at the end of last year. This represents an increase of 21%, with an increase in the size of the annual global market of just over 6%. Today, about 75 countries worldwide have commercial wind power installations, with 22 of them already passing the 1 GW level.

For the second year running, the majority of new installations were outside the OECD, and new markets in Latin America, Africa and Asia are driving market growth. China has consolidated its position as global market leader, while India is also shown large growth in installed capacity. The US bounced back, Canada and in particular Ontario has emerged as a location for wind energy investment and Brazil is leading in Latin America.

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