Joint reaction to the EP ITRE report on the Net-Zero Industry Act: Keeping the NZIA focused on Clean tech manufacturing in the EU | WindEurope
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Joint statements

Joint reaction to the EP ITRE report on the Net-Zero Industry Act: Keeping the NZIA focused on Clean tech manufacturing in the EU

WindEurope joins nine other leading European associations representing strategic net-zero technologies and civil society organisations in the call for the Net Zero Industry Act to stay focused on European clean tech manufacturing.

MEP Ehler in his draft ITRE report proposes to replace the list of strategic net-zero technologies under Annex I with ‘any technology’ which could contribute to climate change mitigation under Article 10 (1) of the Taxonomy Regulation. Such proposal would however undermine the core purpose of the NZIA, namely to “establish the framework of measures for innovating and scaling up the manufacturing capacity of net-zero technologies in the Union”.

Read the joint statement
