Teachers' Toolkit | WindEurope
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Teachers’ Toolkit


Teacher’s Toolkit: Bringing wind energy into the classroom

WindEurope has expanded its educational resources in recent years. From November 2020 to March 2021, WindEurope ran a pilot project teaching wind energy to 12-year-olds (6th grade) at the Singelijn Primary School in Brussels. It was felt that this age group in particular would be most receptive to learning about wind energy. The programme was co-created and worked out between the school lead teacher and his class of 20 children, two wind energy experts (university professors) and WindEurope.

Although the teacher had no prior experience in wind energy, he was able to successfully teach his students about the basics of wind with the help of the experts – while also tying in wind energy to other parts of the children’s education; science, grammar, maths, geography and history. Wind energy has since become part of the school’s overall curriculum.

The Teacher’s Toolkit was created on the back of this – based on the lessons learnt. It lays out modules and metrics which can be applied in any school setting – along with lesson plans and student work examples. It is designed for any teacher looking to teach their students about wind – no background in the area is needed. And it is easily adaptable, depending on the needs of the classroom.

Feel free to try it out – and get in touch if you have any questions!


Support materials

Download the support materials to implement the Teacher’s Toolkit for teaching wind energy in primary schools.

Download the support materials


About the partners


Singelijn schools

L’école Singelijn is a nursery and primary school in Brussels, Belgium. Singelijn is an inclusive school with an active pedagogy that welcomes children from 2 and a half to 12 years old, from all ethnic and social backgrounds.
It gives each child the respect to which he or she is entitled to: each child is welcomed with his or her specificities and personality.


EAWE Science Communication Committee

Mission statement:

  • To promote Wind Energy Science to the general public from civil society to political stakeholders with a focus on future generations through open source content and media.
  • Training the next generation of scientists and stakeholders that are now in K12 education.
  • Engaging audience and policy makers on the need of long term science in wind energy.
  • Inspiring and attracting talent from a broad, international and diverse audience to foster a future Wind Energy community.



Questions and feedback

Here at WindEurope we’re constantly creating new material as part of our educational programme. And we’d love to hear your feedback so that we can build on it in future.

If you’d like to share your experience of implementing the Toolkit in your school, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Malgosia Bartosik, WindEurope’s Deputy CEO.

Malgosia Bartosik
