Power ONshore | WindEurope
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Power ONshore

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About the event

Onshore wind is a central solution to delivering the 2030 Climate & Energy targets and putting the EU on track to deliver Climate Neutrality by 2050. Onshore wind is competitive, innovative and scalable. And deployment brings lots of benefits to European citizens and businesses.

But onshore wind expansion is not inevitable – onshore development faces significant bottlenecks starting with complex permitting and a lack of strategy for repowering. Unless policymakers address these, any discussion on delivery Climate Neutrality is moot.

When: Tuesday, 17 November, 15:00 – 17:00 CET
Where: Online



Europe wants a large expansion of onshore wind to deliver the Green Deal, what will it take?

Onshore wind is expected to drive the achievement of the EU 2030 and 2050 Climate & Energy goals.

What’s at stake and what would be the exact contribution of onshore wind to the European Green Deal – the European Commission’s Director-General for Energy Ditte Juul Jørgensen and WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson will set the stage.


Technology & policy framework to deliver 750 GW by 2050

The EU will need 750 GW of onshore wind in 2050 to deliver climate neutrality up from 173 GW today.

What wind turbines would we need to fulfil this goal? What policies will drive installations & innovation for both greenfield and repowering? How do we make the most use of infrastructure development & system integration? And what about sustainability?

We’ll give the answers to these questions with:

  • João Galamba, Secretary of State for Energy, Portugal
  • Ilya Hartmann, CEO Division Europe, Nordex
  • Hans-Dieter Kettwig, CEO, Enercon
  • Nicolas Couderc, WindEurope Interim Chairman
  • Pierre Tardieu, Chief Policy Officer, WindEurope

Yes, in my backyard: removing barriers to deployment & working with citizens

Permitting for new and repowered projects remains a major obstacle for wind power deployment today. Both for administrative and social acceptance reasons.

What best practices on solving permitting bottlenecks can we draw from countries around Europe? How do developers engage local communities in the development of wind farms? And why do citizens themselves want wind farms in their backyards?

Here to discuss will be:

  • MEP Jutta Paulus
  • Aristotelis Chantavas, Head of Europe Area, Enel Green Power
  • Joaquín Castillo, Senior VP Energy Global Business Development, Acciona
  • Viktoriya Kerelska, Head of Advocacy & Messaging, WindEurope

Power ONshore: Policy Recommendations

Europe wants to be climate neutral by 2050. And onshore wind will play a central role in that. According to the European Commission‘s decarbonisation scenarios it will be a quarter of Europe’s electricity consumption by 2050. That requires a 4-fold increase in the volume of onshore wind capacity between now and then. And full delivery of the EU 2030 Climate & Energy objectives. Here are the European wind industry 8 policy recommendations for Governments on how to deliver that.

Download the recommendations
