Internal Ports Platform meeting and joint meeting with TF Floating (Brussels) | WindEurope
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Internal Ports Platform meeting and joint meeting with TF Floating (Brussels)

During the internal meeting, the ports discussed upcoming events, such as the meet&greet lunch in Bilbao and started discussing possible funding opportunities at EU level for the Ports Platform. WindEurope’s EU project team presented an overview of the funding opportunities and relevant programmes. Connecting Europe Facility and European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

In the afternoon, during the joint meeting, Bruno Geschier, from IDEOL and Chair of the TF Floating, presented, on behalf of the French wind energy association (FEE), a report recently prepared by their offshore working group: “Key Requirements and expectation from ports, from the Floating Industry point of view”. The group discussed how an early dialogue between the two groups is key to provide visibility for the industry and Port’s investors and ensure a smooth deployment of floating wind across EU in the coming years. Next steps among the two groups has been discussed too, agreeing to have another joint meeting in September.

The meeting will take place in Port La-Nouvelle. The Occitanie Region is investing EUR 230 million in new infrastructure on Port-la-Nouvelle, France’s third largest Mediterranean port. The future infrastructure will deserve the emerging offshore floating windmill industry as 2 wind farms will be located at sea, near Port-La Nouvelle.
