Wind in Power: 2017 European Statistics | WindEurope
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Wind in Power: 2017 European Statistics

Wind in Power 2017

Annual combined onshore and offshore wind energy statistics

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Europe installed 16.8 GW (15.6 GW in the EU) of additional wind power capacity in 2017, marking a record year on annual installations.

With a total net installed capacity of 169 GW, wind energy remains the second largest form of power generation capacity in Europe, closely approaching gas installations.

2017 was a record year for both onshore and offshore installations. The EU added 12,484 MW onshore and 3,154 MW offshore.


Record year for European wind: 15.6 GW of new capacity added, up 25% on 2016

Wind energy now covers 11.6% of the EU’s electricity demand

A record year for wind energy installations in Germany, UK, France, Belgium, Ireland & Croatia

Wind energy now has an installed capacity of 169 GW. 153 GW onshore & 16 GW offshore

11.5 GW of wind projects reached Final Investment Decision in 2017 for a total of €22.3bn

Explore the key figures

Total power generation capacity in the European Univion 2005-2017

EU country shares of new wind energy capacity installed during 2017.

Share of new installed capacity

Newly installed and decommissioned capacity in the European Union

Share of new renewable power installations.

Annual installed capacity and renewable share

Net electricity installations in the EU from 2000 to 2017

Share in installed capacity in 2005 and 2017

Annual onshore and offshore wind installations in the EU

Geographical concentration of the annual wind power installations

Installed wind energy capacity onshore and offshore

Cumulative installations onshore and offshore in the EU

Cumulative installations onshore and offshore by country.

Percentage of the average annual electricity demand covered by wind

Number of turbines installed in 2017 and their average power rating – Onshore

Number of turbines installed in 2017 and their average power rating – Offshore

New asset finance in wind energy 2010 – 2017

New asset financing in 2017 by country (€bn)

Clean energy investments in 2017 (€bn)


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