9 January 2021
REScoop.eu is the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives. Our growing network of 1.500 energy cooperatives and their 1.000.000 citizens is spread across Europe. Through REScoop.eu, energy cooperatives wish to make their voices heard in the European energy debate. After all, their members – people just like you and me – are the ones who will be paying for the transition to a more sustainable energy system. REScoop.eu empowers citizens and cooperatives and wants to achieve energy democracy. Four well-defined objectives are the guiding principles of the Federation’s work:
- We represent the voice of citizens and energy cooperatives to European policy makers
- We support starting and established energy cooperatives and provide them with tools and contacts to help them grow and prosper
- We facilitate international exchanges and cooperation between energy cooperatives
- We promote the cooperative business model in the energy sector
Featured stories
Windpark Krammer – the Netherlands
Dutch citizen energy cooperatives Zeeuwind and Deltawind successfully worked together to develop a 102 MW wind project worth 215 million Euros called “Windpark Krammer”. The project is located on and around the Krammersluizen (Krammer locks), halfway between Rotterdam and Antwerp.
Eoliennes Pays de Vilaine – France
Énergies citoyennes en Pays de Vilaine (energy citizens of Vilaine region, EPV) was founded in 2003. The cooperative was the first citizen-owned wind energy project in France and has developed to be a demonstration site for citizen-owned energy on a regional and national level. The wind energy projects are located in Brittany, near the city of Redon.
Allons en Vent – Belgium
Allons en Vent from Belgium built one wind turbine called “l’éolienne des enfants” which literally means “the wind turbine of the children”. Parents and grandparents from the community were invited to purchase shares in the cooperative and give their (grand)children access to renewable energy.