ACCIONA | WindEurope
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2020 Success Stories



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After beating our construction capacity record in 2019, we started 2020 with all the energy required to achieve even more ambitious targets. We were able to adapt to an unexpected situation -the covid pandemic- and contributed to overcoming the crisis with our best efforts.

We guaranteed the generation of electricity for millions of people, having our Renewable Energy Control Center –CECOER- and O&M teams giving its best managing more than 16,000 MW with a very high availability ratios (+97%) in all of our installations on the five continents.

We completed all planned projects in an adverse environment –with over 1,000 MW under construction-; and we are continuing with others focussed on the aim to surpass the target of 15 GW to be installed by 2024.

As the greenest utility in the world for the sixth year running according to Energy Intelligence’s ranking, ACCIONA is one of the top 10 developers in corporate PPA activity. A sample of it are the two major contracts signed in 2020 with two world-class companies: Amazon and Telefónica, among others.

We continued committed with innovation, putting into service the first grid-connected floating PV plant in Spain (Sierra Brava) and launching the Power2Green Hydrogen project in Mallorca, in partnership with some other companies, to create the first hydrogen ecosystem in a Mediterranean island.

Clean energy for a sustainable energy system

The future of mankind and our bond with the planet depends on the way in which energy is produced: ACCIONA carries out integrated energy use management that covers both supply and demand, with a management model based on two characteristics: sustainability and digitisation.

ACCIONA grows its innovative and technical capacity by developing mature, competitive renewable technologies — such as wind, photovoltaic and biomass power. Over 10,500 MW of propriety capacity installed in 16 countries across 5 continents proof its privileged position as a flagbearer for a different way of doing business—Business as Unusual—which promotes investment in low-carbon activities. A different way of doing business, accelerating universal access to energy in order to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 7—affordable and clean energy—and the adoption of a decarbonised energy model.


ACCIONA is leading business in the fight to mitigate the effects of the climate emergency and accelerate the shift toward a decarbonised energy model.
The company—a global pioneer in the early days of the renewable sector—is the world’s largest 100 % clean energy company. It is now the leader in the development, engineering, construction, operation and maintenance of renewable assets, supported by a model of stable and guaranteed growth, with over 11.5 GW installed, mainly in wind power (79%), and 15GW targeted by 2024.

ACCIONA provides energy solutions and products for all activities in the energy value chain — making it unique in the market.

Energy solutions

  • Design and construction of renewable generation plants
  • Operation, maintenance, and extension of the useful life of renewable assets
  • Marketing of 100% renewable energy
  • Hybridisation, energy storage and hydrogen solutions
  • Renewable distributed generation (self-consumption and micro-networks)
  • Energy services
  • Installation of transmission networks and substations
  • Presence in wind turbine manufacturing as Nordex’s main stakeholder.

ACCIONA’s energy capacity and production

  • 10,506 MW In renewables (30.09.2020)
  • 8,301 MW In wind power (30.09.2020)
  • 23 GWh approximate annual production

Featured products

McIntyre project landing

CECOER Virtual visit

Top greenest utility

