Speakers | WindEurope Technology Workshop 2024

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Alex Clerc

Controls Product Engineer, RES

Alexis Cousin

Research engineer, IFP Energies Nouvelles

Ana Lopez

Science Director, Climate Scale

Andrea Hahmann

Senior Researcher, DTU

Andrew Oldroyd

Director, Oldbaum Services

Arjun Anantharaman

Scientific researcher, ForWind - Universität Oldenburg

Balthazar Sengers

Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

Brian Gribben

Research & Innovation Manager, ONE KBR Technical Fellow, Frazer-Nash Consultancy

Carolina Garcia Barquero

Power Curve Portfolio Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

Carsten Ropeter

General manager, Ge:Net GmbH

Christiane Montavon

Principal engineer, DNV

Christopher Rodaway

Lead Scientist - Advanced Numerics, RWE

Circe Triviño

Energy Analytics Head of Section Southern Europe, Middle East and Africa and Latin America , DNV

Clément Jacquet

Senior Researcher, EPRI

Ela Young

Consultant Engineer, Frazer-Nash Consultancy

Elena Gonzalez

Lead O&M Engineer, Iberdrola

Eliott Lindsay

Consultant, Frazer-Nash Consultancy

Eric Tromeur

Director of Research, Innovation, Service and Expertise, Meteodyn

Farkhondeh (Hanie) Rouholahnejad

Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

Gaspar Iniesta

Head of Wind Main Equipment, Enel Green Power

Gemma Harrington

Director Technical Operations, Blackrock Climate Infrastructure Group

Gerard Cavero Siscart

R&D Wind Data Scientist, Vortex FdC

Gil Lizcano

CEO, Climate Scale

Henrik Skov

Principal Scientist and Sales Manager Avian Ecology, Offshore Wind Environment, DHI

Irene Eguinoa

Head of Control Engineering, CENER

Jake Badger

Head of Section, Resource Assessment and Meteorology, DTU Wind Energy

Johannes Fricke

Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

Jon Collins

Principal Technical Consultant, ERM

Joseph Anthony Vitulli

Senior Consultant - Offshore Wind Advisory, Ramboll

José Vidal

Product Manager of Windnavigator & Data Products, UL Solutions

Julia Gottschall

Chief Scientist, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

Kester Gunn

Chief Scientist, RWE Renewables

Knut Seim

Lead Researcher, Equinor

Lars Landberg

Vice President, Group Leader, Renewables, Group Research and Development, DNV

Laura Valldecabres

Wind Resource Specialist, Enel Green Power

Lorenzo Morselli

Head of Conference Programmes, WindEurope

Marie-Anne Cowan

Senior Chief Consultant - Offshore Wind Advisory, Ramboll

Matthew Harrison

Group Research and Development, DNV

Michael Stamm

Researcher, BAM

Mike Anderson

Chairman, ETIPWind Advisory Group

Miriam Marchante Jiménez

Chief Specialist, Asset Value Engineering, Ørsted

Noel Cuniffe

CEO, Wind Energy Ireland

Oscar Garcia-Santiago

PhD Student, DTU Wind and Energy Systems

Paula Gonzalez

Senior Scientist, Met Office

Paula Gómez

Head of Section Testing and Calibration, DTU Wind and Energy Systems

Pep Moreno

CEO, Vortex

Philip Bradstock

Head of Analytics, Bitbloom Ltd

Prasad Gade

CTO, GreenStream

Rebeca Rivera Lamata

Wind Industry Professional

Remco Verzijlbergh

Co-founder and CEO, Whiffle

Romain Molins

Senior Lead Specialist, Mainstream Renewable Power

Rémi Gandoin

Senior Specialist, C2Wind

Sam Williams

Senior Scientist, RWE

Samuel Davoust

Tech lead and Founder, Tipspeed

Sara Koller

Head of Wind&Ice, Meteotest

Sergio Jiménez Sanjuán

Senior Engineer, Energy & Analytics Wind, DNV

Shane Ó Húilín

Senior Renewable Energy Specialist, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)

Simon Watson

Professor of Wind Energy Systems and Director of DUWIND, TU Delft

Stéphane Pédeboy

Vice-President of Technology, Météorage

Tabea Hildebrand

Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

Tom Levick

WindFarmer Product Owner, DNV

Tomasz Sieradzan

Principal Engineer at SkySpecs, SkySpecs

Wiebke Langreder

Head of Consulting, EMD International A/S

Zhi Liang

Application Manager, Vaisala

Zoe Goss

Senior Engineer, DNV

Zuri Zugasti

Sr. Technical Leader, WindESCo

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WindEurope Technology Workshop 2024