ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersSafety, Skills & Training ZoneThought Leaders ForumBlades
Turbine technology
When: Wednesday, 3 April 2019, 14:00 - 15:30
Where: Luxua 1
Session description
Attendees will see a broad variety of blade-related topics. From the design of long blades to the impact of manufacturing flaws and process simulation, authors from the industry will share their achievements and experiences. This is combined with presentations addressing applications of CFD to rain erosion test rigs and the use of alternative materials for new blade designs.
Learning objectives
- segmentation of ultra-long blades;
- impact of blade manufacturing flaws;
- droplet particle tracking CFD;
- Process simulation for blade manufacturing
- Use for new materials for wind turbine blades
Session chair
Paul McKeever
Head of Strategic Research, ORE Catapult
Christian Bak
Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
Innovations in the design of the next generation of blades
Sabrina Malpede
Managing Director, ACT Blade Ltd
Multi-physics process model to simulate thick-section composite infusion
Stephen Nolet
Senior Director - Innovation & Technology, TPI Composites
Computational fluid dynamics methodology for characterisation of leading edge erosion in whirling arm test rigs
Robbie Herring
EngD Student, University of Bristol