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When: Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 11:00 - 12:15
Where: Auditorium 12
Session description
This session will present research, development & demonstration on the topic of rotor and turbine performance. Speakers will share new insights on measurements systems, machine learning, dynamic inflow and leading edge protection.
Session chair

John Korsgaard
Senior Director, Adv. Tech. Development & Chief Engineering, LM Wind Power

Katherine Dykes
Head of Section, Systems Engineering and Optimization, DTU Wind Energy

Development of an aerodynamic measurement system for wind turbines
[scientific paper submitted - IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series (volume 2507)]
Anna Wegner
Group Manager, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

Machine Learning Approach to Quantify Performance Impact of Turbine Aerodynamic Upgrades
Lewis Harvey
Data Scientist, RES

Investigation of the dynamic inflow effects due to collective and individual pitch steps on a wind tunnel setup
[scientific paper submitted - IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series (volume 2507)]
Apostolos Langidis
Research Assistant, ForWind, University of Oldenburg
Wind tunnel test of airfoil with erosion and leading edge protection
[scientific paper submitted - IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series (volume 2507)]
Christian Bak
Professor, Director of the Poul la Cour Tunnel, Head of the Airfoil and Rotor Design section, DTU Wind Energy
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