Sessions | WindEurope Annual Event 2023

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Grids & Intelligent Energy - Electrification of heating systems and industry

When: Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 16:30 - 17:30
Where: Electrification stage

Session description

Phasing out fossil fuels at a much higher speed, moving into RE-based electrification where consumption can respond to price volatility, has become obvious after the past year’s energy price increase and price volatility. An essential element in the green transition is the electrification of district heating systems as well as industry. EU member states are on different pathways but need to converge into the RE-electrification path way to avoid continuous dependency on Russian gas, and ensure delivery on the climate target.

Hence, Electrified district heating provides a pathway for increasing the share of wind and solar energy in the energy system, through high energy efficiency and flexibility.

Simultaneously, heat pumps enable the utilization of waste heat in district heating and have synergies with emerging low temperature district heating networks.

Kristina Lygnerud, Lund University and the Swedish Environment Research Institute, will address the significance of boosted waste heat for increasing the use of waste heat and renewables in the energy system and the evidence-based conclusions from an EU project focusing on urban waste heat recovery (ReUseHeat). She will also present results from a study where heat pumps were included as part of the district heating fuel supply which shows that both costs and co2 emissions can be saved.
Furthermore, the need for flexibility on the demand side and the phasing out of fossil fuels has made the time ripe for the electrification of industry.

Session chair

Helle Juhler-Verdoner

Managing Director, Danish Intelligent Energy Alliance


Kristina Lygnerud

Professor in Energy Science, Lund University

Javier Amores

Head of Industrial District Heating Solutions, Iberdrola

Thomas Due

Associate Partner for Environment, Energy & Utilities, IBM

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