Sessions | WindEurope Annual Event 2023

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Grids & Intelligent Energy - The grid of tomorrow

When: Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 12:45 - 13:30
Where: Electrification stage

Session description

The electrification and green transition in Europe is dependent on an efficient grid that can meet the increasing demand for electricity from customers in a fast and timely manner by expanding the grid accordingly and by developing smarter ways to consume. The transition from the stable demand for electricity of the past to the rapid electrification of the coming decades requires new solutions.
The sessions explore barriers and opportunities for rapid expansion of the European electricity grid and consumer services.

Session chair

Jørgen S. Christensen

Technology Director, Green Power Denmark


Knud Pedersen

Executive Vice-President, Andel

Louise Rullaud

Head of Distribution & Market Facilitationt Team, Eurelectric

Carlos Pascual

Head of Connected Energy Customers, Iberdrola

Laurence Davenport

Head of Energy & Utilities Solution Architecture EMEA, Amazon Web Services

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WindEurope Annual Event 2022