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When: Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 11:00 - 12:15
Where: Auditorium 11
Session description
Europe cannot achieve its massive ambitions for wind energy without a power grid to accommodate it. The session will focus on critical grid technologies that are needed to scale up quickly and cost-effectively the deployment of offshore wind energy: superconducting cables, floating substations and grid forming STATCOMS?
Session chair

Vasiliki Klonari
Head of Energy System Integration, WindEurope

Nicolaos Cutululis
Professor, DTU Wind Energy

Grid-Forming control for STATCOMs - a robust solution for offshore wind grid connections
Carlos de Palacio
Segment Manager Renewables, Grid Integration, Hitachi Energy

Enabling Europe's net zero vision by proactively developing its power grids
Jochen Kreusel
Global Head of Market Innovation, Hitachi Energy

North sea offshore DC grid: net benefit of high temperature superconductors
Maria O'Neill
Technology Analyst, SuperNode Ltd.

Floating Substations Joint Industry Project: Multipartner cross-value chain collaboration project to analyse technology and develop guidelines and standards for floating substations
Kristin Berg
Senior Principal Consultant, DNV
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