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When: Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 14:00 - 15:00
Where: Auditorium 11
Session description
Looking at the changes of the economic and geopolitical landscape, join the debate on how emergency regulation on power generation and new market design can either put renewables investments at risk or create grounds for stronger investment signals.
Session chair

Guy Brindley
Head of Market Intelligence , WindEurope
Panel discussion

Ainhoa Anda
Senior Lead, Energy Strategy, Google

David Tilstone
Head of Portfolio Strategy, Core Renewables, Green Investment Group

Elia Trippel
Policy Analyst, Green Finance and Investment, OECD

Ines Bargueno
Head of Asset management, Brookfield

Nuru Lama
Chief Investment Officer, IFC - International Finance Corporation

Sven Kossack
Associate Director, Boston Consulting Group

Thomas Briggs
Loan Officer, European Investment Bank
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