Sessions | WindEurope Annual Event 2023

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Beyond Fossil Fuels: How Denmark will continue to Lead through the Green Transition

When: Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 17:30 - 18:15
Where: Markets Stage

Session description

Beyond Fossil Fuels: How Denmark will continue to Lead through the Green Transition
Tuesday 25th of April - 17:30h 18:15h

1. Powering the Future: How Denmark's Green Transition Will Reshape Energy Production and Consumption,
Martin Ingerslev , Chief Economist, Green Power Denmark

Denmark has set an ambitious target of phasing out fossil fuels and achieving 100% renewable energy in electricity, heating, and transportation by
2050. As part of this green transition, Denmark aims to increase the share of renewable energy in electricity production to 5 0% by 2030 and to 100%
by 2035. During the session, Green Power Denmark will briefly review how this affects production and consumption in Denmark going forward.

2. The global situation and implication for the green transition in Denmark learnings from the past and aspirations for the future,
Johannes Lüneborg , Partner, Mckinsey & company

The switch from fossil fuels as part of the green transition has and will shape industries, consumption and geopolitics for decades to come.
Perspectives on how Denmark stay ahead, and the opportunities that might arise

3. Denmark’s energy islands as catalysts for the green transition,
Mogens Hagelskær , Deputy Director General, The Danish Energy Agency

The Danish State has decided to build on its green legacy with the construction of two offshore energy hubs one as an artificial i sland with platforms
in the North Sea. With the capacity to power up to 13 million households, the upcoming islands will become the next cornersto ne in the Danish and
European green transformation, for decades to come . During the session, the Danish Energy Agency will briefly introduce the North Sea Energy Island
tender procedure and significant investment highlights.

4. Investment opportunities in Denmark
Anne Hougaard Jensen, Director, Invest in Denmark

What is it that makes Denmark a good business case for developing future steps for the green transition? Invest in Denmark will share insights on
what makes Denmark attractive and which technologies, trends and investment potentials the green transition offer.


Powering the Future: How Denmark's Green Transition Will Reshape Energy Production and Consumption

Martin Ingerslev

Chief Economist, Green Power Denamrk

The global situation and implication for the green transition in Denmark learnings from the past and aspirations for the future,

Johannes Lüneborg

Partner, McKinsey & Company

Denmark’s energy islands as catalysts for the green transition

Mogens Hagelskær

Deputy Director General, Danish Energy Agency

Investment opportunities in Denmark

Anne Hougaard Jensen

Director, Invest in Denmark

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