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Wind expert, Tractebel Engie
Passionate about renewable energies, Mouhamet started his career in 2015 as a PhD researcher in the R&D for Solar energy. His research involved the development of new methodologies for mapping the solar irradiance available to PV panels using weather prediction model and satellite images. In 2019, he transitioned to the wind energy sector. On behalf of EDF R&D and France Energie Marines, he developed new methodologies for mapping the offshore wind resource using weather prediction models and Synthetic Aperture radar (SAR). From 2015 to 2020, he also developed a keen interest for entrepreneurship and financial modeling of renewable energy projects. This interest led to a startup creation and several consulting opportunities. Furthermore, during this period Mouhamet was actively involved for the promotion of renewable energies with various activities including teachings, writing research projects and vulgarization meetings. Currently, Mouhamet is a Wind Expert for the onshore international renewable team of Tractebel Engie. His endeavors focus on delivering high level expertise in the domain of wind technology.Presentations
- Resource assessment 2
A workflow for including atmospheric stability effects in the AEP calculation that is validated against SCADA measurements
[scientific paper submitted - IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series (volume 2507)]
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