About the event
About the eventHow to get thereVenue & opening hoursAccommodationMeeting roomsYour guide to CopenhagenOpening hoursThese are turbulent times for the energy sector
Europe has experienced the worst energy crisis for many decades. The EU wants to accelerate the move to clean energy. There’s no going back now – we need 440 GW of wind power in Europe by 2030. And wind needs to become the largest power source in Europe by 2027. These are our goals – for Europe’s sake, we must do our best to meet them.
But we have many challenges to meet too. We’re only building half the wind farms we need to meet these targets. This event is a chance to reverse this trend – together as one sector, under one roof. We need a concerted effort to identify the source of these problems, and to tackle them one by one.
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It’s time – to accelerate permitting
Europe’s permitting procedures for renewable energy aren’t fit for purpose. Right now 80 GW of wind energy projects are stuck in the permitting stage across the continent.
REPowerEU is finally tackling this crucial bottleneck. They now recognise wind as being “in the overriding public interest”. The benefits of this are already being felt in some parts of Europe. But we still have a long way to go. The energy transition can’t be held back by red tape. We need to see a renewed focus on fast-tracking the build-out of wind.

It’s time – to ramp up the supply chain
The wind energy supply chain is under a lot of strain in Europe. Prices for components, raw materials and other commodities have gone through the roof. Our auctions reward projects based solely on price. And right now we just don’t have the manufacturing capacity we need to deliver these volumes of wind.
We need to bring the supply chain back to health – so where do we start? How can auction designs do more to reward European manufacturers? What other examples can we point to? And how can we secure the finance that we need to get wind investments back on track?

It’s time – to expand and modernise the grid
Our yield has risen dramatically in recent years. But it’s going nowhere unless we have the right grid infrastructure to deliver it. We need to see grid investments double in the next three years if we want to match the scale-up of wind energy.
This Annual Event will be a chance to fast-track the debate on grids. With stakeholders from Governments, TSOs, and industry – we can look at how we can start building a grid fit for the energy transition – and how we can make the most out of the existing grid.

It’s time – to think society and nature
We clearly need to ramp-up the build-out of turbines across Europe. But we can’t act alone. We share the on and offshore environment with many other societal interests and activities. Close coordination here will be key – particularly when it comes to biodiversity. The energy transition and nature protection should always go hand in hand.
But how can we build on this partnership? How can we ensure the expansion of renewables benefits biodiversity? And what about other interest groups – fishing, defence and aviation for example? This event is a chance to dig deeper on this – and to strengthen the ties between wind and our colleagues in other sectors.

It’s time – to help electrify the economy
Whole sectors of the economy are looking to go green nowadays. Industry, transport, heating – they’re all queuing up to sign PPAs and other frameworks to go renewable and to electrify.
Direct electrification is the easiest way for industries to decarbonise. But we have a long way still to go. Europe needs to be 75% electric by 2050. So how can we build the right partnerships to satisfy this demand? And what role will infrastructure and technology play? At Copenhagen we’ll be bearing down on the electrification debate – both at the conference and at the Electrification Stage. We’ll look at how to engage the demand side and unleash the green electrons we need to transform the economy.

Our priority is clear. Wind energy has proven its value to Europe and to Europeans. We’ve promised to reshape the European energy system. And we know what stands in our way. This is our make-or-break moment, and we’re ready to step into action. It’s time!
Make sure you’re not left out! See you in Copenhagen!
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