R&I Activities
ProceedingsProgrammeProceedingsSpeakersPostersContent PartnersElectrification StageMarkets TheatreR&I ActivitiesStudent DayProgramme Committee & abstracts reviewersPresenters dashboardAre you working in R&I? Check out the activities below – a chance for academic and industry communities to come together and share knowledge.

Round-table discussions
Open to: All
Join these 4 roundtable discussions where you can share questions, insights, advice and best practice in small groups. You’ll meet with peers with the same issues and questions, for an opportunity to reach out and deepen your network.
Round-table discussions will be moderated by Sarah Barber, Programme Leader Wind Energy, Eastern Switzerland, University of Applied Sciences.

Poster pitches
When: Wednesday 26 April, 10:30-11:00
Where: Poster Area
Open to: all
During this coffee break, we invite you to come to see short pitches of the selected posters.

Project pitches
When: Wednesday 26 April, 16:30-17:30
Where: Poster Area
Discover 5 research projects during this project pitch session that seeks to connect potential partners and shine the spotlight on new research developments.
Join the presenters in the Poster reception just after this session for extended Q&A and further exchanges
In collaboration with

Poster award ceremony
When: Wednesday 26 April, 17:30-18:00
Where: Poster Area
You’re very welcome to this year’s poster awards ceremony at WindEurope’s Annual Event 2023! Come along to see which posters will be awarded, cheer on the presenters and stay for a light reception. You can visit the poster area at any stage during the conference, and you’ll have a chance to meet all our poster presenters face to face to discuss their findings.
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