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When: Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 17:30 - 18:30
Where: Luxua 1
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Session description
As the pace of new wind turbine models accelerate and manufacturing volumes increase, there’s more attention to the reliability of components, machines, and operations overall. Wind farm developers are bidding for projects with turbines which have never been made nor operated before. Machine failures once turbines are installed can cause significant losses or could pose H&S hazards. Thus, wind farms owners and operators must balance several risks in partnership with other industry players. From the design, manufacturing, testing and certification to the operational strategies to maximise energy output, optimise maintenance and extend the operational lifetime of assets. This session will discuss the reliability issues wind energy faces today and how to hedge against them at each stage of the project cycle.
Session chair

Emelie Zakrisson
Head of Offshore Development Sweden, OX2

Jamie Fleming
Head of Offshore Renewables, AXIS Insurance

Ignacio Rada
Director Global Product Strategy & Management, Nordex Group

Thorsten Raible
Head of Global Service Engineering, Enercon

Itziar Kortazar
Full Converter Product Manager of Ingeteam Wind Energy, Ingeteam