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WindEurope’s educational resources for everyone interested in learning about wind energy!

Whether you are a school teacher, parent, young adult or child, all these free resources are for you. They will help you learn (or teach!) about renewable energy – in particular wind energy – and about all the job opportunities in the field. Help yourself to the resources below and learn all about how you can make a better future, today!

When I grow up storiesIf you are interested in translating or distributing
this book, please contact Malgosia Bartosik

When I grow up
Inspiring stories from people working in clean energy

To help save the world, you don’t have to be a super hero. Simply by deciding to do certain jobs, we can all help look after our planet, our environment and our future generations. This is a book about 21 people who are working in clean energy; what they all have in common is that they are passionate about their job, and work on tackling the climate crisis. Meet Vanessa who ensures our ‘Teams’ calls are as green as possible, Swarna who studies the wind to put her turbines in the best locations; Nicolas who flies drones to check for cracks in the blades; and Jos who builds playgrounds from old wind turbines. There are people from all continents who will tell you about their clean energy jobs, what subjects they studied and the skills they needed to be able to do what they do now.

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Let the Wind Blow

Let the wind blow

Our fully-illustrated children’s book on wind energy, released in 2019 and now available in 38 languages!

Inspired by a chat between two mums and a young Iranian artist, this is an ideal introduction to wind for any children you know! Visit the website to get the book in your language, download illustrations to colour in, and even listen to videos of the story being read aloud!

Get the book

Classroom resources

Wind energy teaching resources

WindEurope ran a pilot project for teaching wind energy to 12 years old students at the Singelijn Primary School in Brussels. The programme was co-created by one of the school’s teachers, two university professors and WindEurope.

Find out more

Kids vs Wind Gurus

Kids vs Wind Gurus

A series of Q&A videos where kids put wind energy experts, CEOs and others in the hot seat! These discussions are informative, entertaining, and always – always – unpredictable!

Watch the videos

wind basics

Are you curious about the technology?

This resource teaches you how wind turbines are able to harness energy from the wind and convert it into electricity, and how that electricity is sent to your home!

Go to Wind Basics

offshorewind4kids banner


Learn more about a project aimed to teach kids about engineering, technology and renewable energy.

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FLORES card= game
Forward Looking at the Offshore Renewable Energies (FLORES) is an EU-funded project aiming at the development of tools and activities to foster skills in the offshore renewable energies sector.

FLORES card game

The FLORES card game aims to raise awareness about careers in the offshore renewables sector.

Play with our cool job profile cards and discover 18 different, interesting and potentially unusual offshore job profiles.

Available in 4 languages: English, French, Italian and Spanish.

Start playing

More wind energy learning resources from our friends

Click on the tiles below to unlock even more resources from wind companies and other renewable organisations.

EducaclimaOrsted make a difference
