Presenters and Speakers | EoLIS 2022
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End-of-Life Issues & Strategies Seminar
1-2 December 2022 • Ghent

Presenters and Speakers

Marcin Sobcyk

CTO, GP Renewables


Marcin Sobczyk, born in 1988, enthusiast of wind energy, he focused his education and work Graduated from the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, obtaining a master's degree in renewable energy and sustainable development. Initially, worked as a Project Developer creating new wind parks in Poland. Then, as On-Site Manager, participated in the construction of wind parks all over Europe, including the Arctic Circle, as well as in North Africa. In total, was responsible for the construction of over 20 wind parks consisting of over 200 wind turbines in total. After also worked as Wind Park Service Manager. Currently, as a Project Manager at Anmet, is responsible for the implementation of projects related to the acquisition of blades for recycling and supports the distribution of blade products. In 2022, he included Anmet in the GP Renewables group. Privately, husband and father.

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