In 2019, the wind industry will be meeting in Bilbao, Spain

Here’s a simple question before the holidays:
Would you like to spend 2019 arranging multiple meetings with multiple new and established contacts in multiple countries at multiple conferences while trying to decide between multiple exhibitions?


Would you prefer to have all your major meetings, your industry insights, and your networking opportunities delivered to you all under one roof, at one event, with every major and rising player of the wind industry?

This is what our 2019 Conference & Exhibition will give you. Over 3 days in Bilbao, Europe’s most important annual on- and offshore wind energy event will let you:
  1. Meet all your contacts (and competitors) in one place
  2. Learn how Spain (set to have more than 30 GW cumulative capacity by 2022) can open new revenue streams for your business
  3. Check out what new products, services and policies are about to come online
  4. And, of course, enjoy WindEurope’s famous receptions and parties.
Save the date

This April, let Bilbao be your one-stop shop for on- and offshore wind. Registration opens in January. 

Don’t just take our word for it… check out what your colleagues have been saying about our events:

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