Wind energy in Africa – Perspective for Mozambique, Kenya and Nigeria

Wind energy in Africa – Perspective for Mozambique, Kenya and Nigeria

When: Wednesday 3 April – Thursday 4 April

Where: Room 5, level 5

Open to: All registered participants with additional registration required.

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1. De-risking investment in Africa – EU financing tools

When: Wednesday 3 April

The External Investment Plan (EIP) was adopted by the European Union in September 2017 to help boost investment in partner countries in Africa and the European Neighbourhood. The plan aims to contribute to the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDG) and mobilise and leverage sustainable public and private investments to improve economic and social development with a particular focus on decent job creation.

In this session, interested European developers and investors will have the opportunity to understand the European Commission’s approach to supporting the private sector sustainable energy investments in Africa, through presentation of the External Investment Plan and specific project preparation, financing and de-risking instruments.


14:00 – 14:10   Welcome Remarks
14:10 – 14:25

 The EU External Investment Programme

Marc Buchmann, Team leader, Sustainable Energy and Climate Change, Directorate-General International Cooperation and Development, European Commission

14:25 – 14:40

The Electrification Financing Initiative (ElectriFI)

Natalia Svarinska, EDFI

14:40 – 14:55

GET.invest – Mobilising Renewable Energy Investments

Michael Franz, Team leader, GET.invest

14:55 – 15:30

Q&A Session with the audience

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2. Kenya – Wind potential and opportunities – country focus session

When: Wednesday 3 April

Kenya has an installed capacity of grid connected wind energy of 25 MW and off-grid connected wind energy of 0.55MW. The government has plans to increase the wind energy production to 1 246 MW. Already three wind PPAs have been executed with IPPs for development of 460MW by 2018, and there are several proposals at various stages of finalization of PPAs, feasibility studies and/or financing arrangements. There are plans to increase the wind-diesel hybrids systems in off grid areas from the current 0.55MW to 10 MW by 2018.

In this session, the Government of Kenya and the Kenya Renewable Energy Association will present and highlight the opportunities for wind energy projects in their national markets to the assembled European Wind Energy industry. The session will give room to discuss investments opportunities and barriers for the private sector.


15:45 – 15:50

Welcome Remarks/Opening Words

Cécile Leemans, International Relations Officer, Directorate General for Energy, European Commission

15:50 – 16:05

Wind potential and development strategy for Kenya

Kihara Mungai, Chief Renewable Energy Officer, Ministry of Energy of Kenya

16:05 – 16:15

RE market development and local industry in Kenya

Kamal Kishor Gupta, Chairman, Kenya Renewable Energy Association

16:15 – 16:45

Q&A Session with the audience

All Speakers

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3. Nigeria – Wind potential and opportunities – country focus session

When: Wednesday 3 April

Wind energy has potential in the north of Nigeria. The first wind power farm is being build in Katsina in Northern Nigeria, and the first 2 MW of wind energy power have been connected to the grid. The Government of Nigeria is targeting the generation of 30% of Nigeria’s electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030, including 3% out of wind energy.

In this session, the Government of Nigeria and the Nigeria Renewable Energy Association will present and highlight the opportunities for wind energy projects in their national markets to the assembled European Wind Energy industry. The session will give room to discuss investments opportunities and barriers for the private sector.


17:00 – 17:05

Welcome Remarks/Opening Words

Cécile Leemans, International Relations Officer, Directorate General for Energy, European Commission

17:05 – 17:20

Wind potential and development strategy for Nigeria

Pr. Eli Jidere Bala, Director General, Energy Commission of Nigeria

17:20 – 17:30

RE market development and local industry in Nigeria

Segun, Adaju, President, Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria

17:30 – 18:00

Q&A Session with the audience (Panel Setup)

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4. Skill development for emerging RE markets in Africa

When: Thursday 4 April

In order to develop new wind markets, specific skills are needed for the wind industry to move forward. With examples in African countries from the public and the private sector, the session will aim at exploring instruments and concepts to strengthen the local skill base in African countries for developing and implementing projects in wind energy.


09:00 – 09:10 

 Welcome Remarks/Opening Words

Antonio Lopez-Nicolas, Deputy Head of Unit, Renewables and CCS policy, Directorate General for Energy, European Commission

09:10 – 09:25

TVET support in the Nigeria Energy Support Program (NESP)

Michael , GET.investNESP Representative (TBC)

09:25 – 09:40

Building Local Skills – a Private Sector Approach

Siemens-Gamesa Renewable Energy

09:40 – 09:55

Additional Program/Example to be selected

Speaker TBC

09:55 – 10:30

Q&A Session with the audience

All Speakers

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5. Mozambique – Wind potential and opportunities – country focus session

When: Thursday 4 April

The renewable energy atlas of Mozambique has identified 5 GW of wind potential across the country and in particular in its southern region. Recently, the Mozambican government approved an “Integrated Electricity Master Plan 2018- 2043” that aims to increase the country’s capacity to generate, consume and export electricity. In the meantime, EDM published its strategy for the years 2018-2028, aiming to support and lead the initiative of the government. The plan includes 150 MW of wind energy production.

In this session, the Government of Mozambique and the Mozambican Renewable Energy Association will present and highlight the opportunities for wind energy projects in their national markets to the assembled European Wind Energy industry. The session will give room to discuss investments opportunities and barriers for the private sector.


10:45 – 10:50

Welcome Remarks/Opening Words

Cécile Leemans, International Relations Officer, Directorate General for Energy, European Commission

10:50 – 11:05

 Wind potential and development strategy for Mozambique

Damiano Muera, Head of the Renewable Energy Department, Directorate of Energy, Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, Mozambique

11:05 – 11:20

RE market development and local industry in Mozambique

Ricardo Pereira, President, Association for Renewable Energy in Mozambique

11:20 – 11:45

Q&A Session with the audience

All Speakers

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