NEWA final workshop

NEWA final workshop

When: Tuesday 2 April 2019, 9:00 – 17:00

Where: Room 4, level 5

Open to: Participants should pre-register using this link. An exhibition pass is also required.

You are invited to participate in the final workshop of the New European Wind Atlas (NEWA) where we will present the highlights of the project.

This 4-year-long research program has focused on three objectives:

  1. Conducting large-scale experimental campaigns covering a wide range of topographic and European climatic conditions with intensive use of scanning lidar technology;
  2. Developing new reference methodologies for wind resource assessment and wind turbine site suitability based on mesoscale-to-microscale modeling and validation with high-fidelity experiments;
  3. Producing a high-resolution New European Wind Atlas database and web interface.

A wealth of data is made available open-access to support long-term research on wind conditions. A research roadmap jointly organised with EERA-Wind “Wind Conditions” and IEA-Wind Task 31 “Wakebench” identifies relevant challenges that can be addressed with these data in future collaborative research initiatives.

This is a public event but space is limited. If you plan to attend, please register here by the 15th of March to secure your place.

Register now

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