Impacts of auctions on wind energy financing

Impacts of auctions on wind energy financing
When: Wednesday 3 April 2019, 15:45 – 18:00
Where: Room 4, level 5
Open to: Participants should pre-register using this link. An exhibition pass is also required.
Auctions for renewable energy support expose wind energy investors to new risks. Even small impacts on financing conditions can create big challenges for project profitability. The design of auctions, and especially specific design elements (including penalties, schedules, revenue stabilisation, etc.), is crucial to avoid negative consequences for investors and to ensure achieving our EU 2030 targets at low cost. Auctions can have diverse impacts on financing, incl. bankability, equity return, debt capacity, cost of capital – some implementations increase risks, others may contribute to de-risking.
This side-event, co-hosted by AURESII and IRENA, aims at creating a discussion platform for auctions and financing. We present recent cost of capital developments for wind energy, discuss findings on the relationship between auctions and financing, and kick-start the policy design discussion with representatives from DTU, ETH Zürich, WindEurope and IRENA.
Targeted participants are financial industry experts (debt and equity providers), project developers and policymakers with practical insights into the workings and effects of auctions on the business, who can contribute to evaluating which auction designs are recommendable for future renewable energy auctions in Europe. Interactive elements will enable participants to express their views about the effects of auctions on financing.