Workshop on FHP wind curtailment mitigation solution

Workshop on FHP wind curtailment mitigation solution
When: Thursday 4 April, 9:00-13:00
Where: Room 2, level 5
Open to: All registered participants
The FHP (Flexible Heat and Power) project demonstrates the use of heat-pumps to offer flexibility services while explicitly taking local grid conditions into account. It considers the use of clusters of heat-pumps used for building heating, as well as heat-pumps feeding large thermal storage buffers (like the Ecovat) and Heating Networks.
As the project explicitly considers the local grid conditions – either solving local problems or ensuring that flex activation will not cause local problems – a bottom-up aggregation approach was developed, founded on specific rather than statistical modelling and forecasting of consumption and flexibility.
A multi-agent framework was developed and piloted, that truly puts the consumer at the centre, empowering them to very dynamically decide if, when and how much flexibility they are willing to offer, as well as to whom. To this purpose, a Dynamic Coalition Manager concept is proposed to aggregate the flexibility offers of a dynamic pool of flexibility providers, and interact on behalf of them with market parties and grid operators. The solution has been piloted in Sweden (cluster of heat pumps) and the Netherlands (Ecovat large thermal storage).
You are welcome to attend this side event, in which we will present the results of our research, which will help to create the conditions to securely and effectively increase the amount of wind power.
The FHP project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731231.