Exhibitor listExhibitor ZoneGuidelines for stand contractorsExhibition stand prices
All prices exclude VAT.
Products** | Member rate* | Non Member rate |
Basic Package | € 330/ m2 | € 400/ m2 |
Full Package | € 495/ m2 | € 575/ m2 |
*WindEurope corporate members are entitled to reduced rates. To learn more about all membership benefits and categories, click here
Reduced Rate |
Membership Category | Applicable For Full Package | Applicable For Basic Package | Full Package ** | Basic Package ** |
C1 | up to 145 m2* | up to 155 m2* | € 400/m2 | € 330/m2 |
C2 | up to 70 m2* | up to 75 m2* | ||
C3 | up to 35 m2* | up to 40 m2* | ||
C4 | up to 15 m2* | up to 15 m2* | ||
LM1 | unlimited | unlimited | ||
LM2 | unlimited | unlimited |
To become an exhibitor or sponsor please contact [email protected].
Stand options
Basic Package
- Exhibition space in the hall,
- 1 free full exhibitor staff pass per 9m2 booked,
- 1 free full event conference pass for up to 50m2 booked, plus 1 free full event conference pass, for each additional 50m2 booked (e.g. 120m2 = 2 conference passes),
- Company profile (50-word description) in the exhibition catalogue,
- Company listing with link to exhibitor’s website on the online exhibitor listing,
- Tools to help exhibitors promote their stand (customizable banners and event logo)
- Waste removal during the event days (Service is not equal to stand cleaning. Stand cleaning and waste removal during build up / break down needs to be ordered at the exhibitor’s cost, separately)
Full Package
- Shell scheme stand – back and side walls, carpeting, company name on the fascia board, electric point, 3 spot lights, daily cleaning service, 2 chairs and 1 table per 9m2, 1×1 m storage.
- 1 free full exhibitor staff pass per 9m2 booked,
- 1 free full event conference pass for up to 50m2 booked, plus 1 free full event conference pass, for each additional 50m2 booked (e.g. 120m2 = 2 conference passes),
- Company profile (50-word description) in the exhibition catalogue,
- Company listing with link to exhibitor’s website on the online exhibitor listing,
- Tools to help exhibitors promote their stand (customizable banners and event logo),
- Waste removal during the event days (service is not equal to stand cleaning)