ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersSafety, Skills & Training ZoneThought Leaders ForumDevelopments in offshore wind technology
Turbine technology
When: Tuesday, 2 April 2019, 13:30 - 14:45
Where: Luxua 1
Session description
This session will cover techniques to improve the design of offshore wind turbines and wind farms to reduce LCOE and optimise installation and operations. Presentations will cover turbine design, wind farm and cabling layout, and innovative numerical models.
Learning objectives
- Learn how energy costs and the environmental footprint of offshore wind can be reduced through the modularisation of offshore wind components (i4Offshore project);
- Gain insights on alternative design options for 20MW turbines;
- Understand how non-linear designs for offshore wind farms could lower LCOE by limiting wakes and optimising cable layouts;
- Learn how improved interoperability in HVDC systems can lead to cost reductions and accelerate the large-scale integration of offshore wind (BEST PATHS project).
Session chair

Manahil Lakhmiri
Head of Key Programme Offshore Wind, ENGIE

Hanne Wigum
Manager Renewable Technology, Equinor

Power-hardware-in-the-loop demonstrator for the integration of offshore wind power plants using multi-terminal HVDC grids
Iñigo Azpiri
Technology Innovation, Iberdrola Renovables

Comparing two- and three-bladed 20 MW wind turbines on the basis of an equal absolute power curve
Fabian Anstock
Research Associate, Hamburg University of Applied Science

Integrated implementation of industrial innovations for offshore wind cost reduction – an EU funded project
Jesper Moeller
Head of Offshore Balance of Plant Innovations, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

Investigating the potential of offshore wind turbine position optimization
Bryce Wade
MSc. Energy Technologies, University of Lisbon