ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersSafety, Skills & Training ZoneThought Leaders ForumSystem integration: the next frontier for wind energy?
High-level & plenaries
When: Wednesday, 3 April 2019, 9:00 - 10:00
Where: Auditorium 1
Session description
The latest projections from the European Commission, the IEA and many others foresee wind power becoming the leading form of power generation in Europe by 2030. Integrating higher shares of renewables has far-reaching implications for the energy system. Accordingly, the discussion will focus on what should be done today to ensure we stay on course with the ambitious decarbonisation objectives for 2050 agreed upon by the EU and its Member States.
Session chair

Matteo Marini
Lead Division Manager, Power Grids, Europe, ABB

Antonella Battaglini
CEO, Renewables Grid Initiative
Panel discussion

Zoltan Nagy-Bege
Vice-president, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority ANRE

Joan Groizard
Director for Renewable Energies, IDAE

Mark Foley
CEO, EirGrid

Vera Silva
CTO, GE Grid Solutions

Santiago Marin
System Development Director, Red Eléctrica de España