ProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent PartnersProgramme Committee & abstracts reviewersStudent programmePresenters’ dashboardResource Assessment Symposium
When: Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 14:00 - 17:15
Where: Auditorium 15
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Part 1 - LiDARs

Julia Gottschall
Chief Scientist, Fraunhofer IWES

Mike Anderson
Member, ETIP Wind Steering Committee

Offshore wakes measured by an adaptive dual-Doppler scanning lidar system
Tabea Hildebrand
Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

A comparison between scanning LiDAR and scada-based hyperparameter tuning of analytical wake models
Pieter-Jan Daems
Research Assistant, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Benchmarking pulsed lidar turbulence intensity measurement methods
Andrew Black
Research & Applications Engineer, Vaisala
Part 2 - Models

Pep Moreno
CEO, Vortex

Stephan Barth
Managing Director, ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research

Advancing wind energy yield assessment accuracy via time-variant loss parameter approach
Helia Lari Lavasani
Junior Wind & Site Assessment, PAVANA GmbH
Part 3 - Special topics

Lars Landberg
Vice President, Group Leader, Renewables, Group Research and Development, DNV

Miriam Marchante Jiménez
Chief Specialist, Asset Value Engineering, Ørsted

Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Simulating Turbulent Wakes in Windfarms
Abhineet Gupta
Researcher, Shell India Market Pvt. Ltd.

Capturing the impacts of climate change in wind energy yield assessments
Annika Wybrow
Principal Engineer - Energy Analytics, DNV

EDiGaPS: A novel machine learning-based approach to model the influence of turbulence intensity on wind turbine power curves
Nathianne Andrade
Head of Performance Engineering, Delfos Energy