ProgrammeSpeakersPostersStudent programmeContent PartnersMarkets TheatreResearch & Innovation in actionPowering the Future stageProgramme Committee & abstracts reviewersPresenters’ dashboardSession details are updated regularly – check back often!
Tuesday, 08 April
09:00 - 10:30
Auditorium 10-11-12
No conference pass required
14:00 - 15:30
Auditorium 15
And also...
10:45 - 17:00
Markets Theatre - Hall D
Get up to speed with the latest developments and key market updates!
With SSE Renewables.
On April 8, we’ll look at onshore and offshore markets around the North Sea, Poland and the US.
With SSE Renewables.
On April 8, we’ll look at onshore and offshore markets around the North Sea, Poland and the US.
11:00 - 17:00
Explore the world of wind energy – from technology and sustainability to business and careers – while networking with industry leaders and students from all around Europe
On April 8, kickstart your WindEurope journey by exploring, connecting, and making the most of the event!
On April 8, kickstart your WindEurope journey by exploring, connecting, and making the most of the event!
11:15 - 17:15
'Powering the Future' stage - Hall E
The energy system of the future is shaping up today.
Join us on this stage to learn about the latest developments regarding flexibility enablers, the business case for electrification, grids, growing the next generation of wind workers, and discover fresh R&I projects you may want to join.
With Iberdrola.
Join us on this stage to learn about the latest developments regarding flexibility enablers, the business case for electrification, grids, growing the next generation of wind workers, and discover fresh R&I projects you may want to join.
With Iberdrola.
More activities and details coming soon!
Wednesday, 09 April
09:00 - 10:30
Auditorium 15
11:00 - 12:30
Auditorium 15
17:15 - 18:00
Poster Area
No conference pass required
And also...
09:30 - 17:00
Explore the world of wind energy – from technology and sustainability to business and careers – while networking with industry leaders and students from all around Europe
On April 9, dive into the latest trends in wind energy and explore the business, technology, and sustainability shaping the industry. Discover your path—whether in industry or research!
On April 9, dive into the latest trends in wind energy and explore the business, technology, and sustainability shaping the industry. Discover your path—whether in industry or research!
11:00 - 17:00
Markets Theatre - Hall D
Get up to speed with the latest developments and key market updates!
With SSE Renewables.
On 9 April, we’ll look at onshore and offshore markets around the Mediterranean, with a special session on international cooperation with Ukraine, as well as the Asia-Pacific region and Australia.
With SSE Renewables.
On 9 April, we’ll look at onshore and offshore markets around the Mediterranean, with a special session on international cooperation with Ukraine, as well as the Asia-Pacific region and Australia.
11:00 - 17:00
'Powering the Future' stage - Hall E
On 9 April, join us on this stage to learn about the latest developments regarding electrification of key sectors of the economy, startups and innovation, careers in the wind sector, PPAs and data centres, and renewable hydrogen.
OCEAN workshop
12:00 - 15:00
Supply chain workshop
12:15 - 15:30
14:30 - 15:30
Meeting room 17
More activities and details coming soon!
Thursday, 10 April
And also...
10:00 - 15:00
Explore the world of wind energy – from technology and sustainability to business and careers – while networking with industry leaders
On April 10, vocational students explore career pathways in the wind industry, followed by an exhibition tour open to all students to meet HR representatives from leading companies
On April 10, vocational students explore career pathways in the wind industry, followed by an exhibition tour open to all students to meet HR representatives from leading companies
11:15 - 15:00
Markets Theatre - Hall D
Get up to speed with the latest developments and key market updates!
With SSE Renewables.
On 10 April, we’ll look at onshore and offshore markets in the Baltic region, the Black Sea and India, and get an overview of PPA markets in Europe.
With SSE Renewables.
On 10 April, we’ll look at onshore and offshore markets in the Baltic region, the Black Sea and India, and get an overview of PPA markets in Europe.
11:15 - 15:00
'Powering the Future' stage - Hall E
On 10 April, join us on this stage to learn about cybersecurity in practice, health and safety in practice and innovative flexibility drivers.
More activities and details coming soon!