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When: Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 15:45 - 17:15
Where: Auditorium 12
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Session chair
Arne Koerber
Product Line Leader - Onshore Wind Controls & Software, GE Vernova
Elena Gonzalez
Lead O&M Engineer, Scottish Power Renewables
Investigation of the effects of individual pitch control of a wind turbine on loads, power and acoustic emissions
Anna Wegner
Group Manager, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)
Push power where you can and prevent damage where you need
Maryana Berezyak
Product Development | Data Analyst, Fibersail
Static Yaw Misalignments - solving the problem together!
Charlie Plumley
Senior Performance Engineer, Nuveen Infrastructure
The Seamade Forced Oscillations experiment; An experimental study on how caution about power oscillations can impact the lifetime of offshore wind turbines
Wout Weijtjens
Senior Research Engineer, Offshore Wind Infrastructure-lab
The effectiveness of a vision-based condition monitoring framework for determining gear health in gearboxes
Djordy Van Maele
PhD Student, Ghent University