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Charlie Plumley, Senior Performance Engineer, Nuveen Infrastructure
Static Yaw Misalignments should be simple to identify and fix. To date though, use of SCADA data to identify misalignments has led to some very misleading results. By working as an industry group as part of WeDoWind, in the Open Data Exploration (ODE) space and using open data, an open-source SCADA-based algorithm has been developed, which appears to accurately identify static yaw misalignments. This algorithm can be used either to directly make corrections, or to plan targeted remote sensing campaigns and use of higher resolution data to correct misalignments, improving operational plant performance. This presentation will explain how the algorithm was developed, who was involved in the process, the benefit of using open data, where the open-source algorithm can be accessed, how to use it, and how to interpret the results. It will also provide learnings from this collaborative process, so that they can be applied to other problems.