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When: Friday, 22 March 2024, 14:00 - 15:00
Where: Luxua 1
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Session chair

Oscar Diaz Martin Forero
Chief EPCI Officer, Ocean Winds

Peter Brun
Global Head of Offshore Wind, DNV

DemoSATH Floating Wind Turbine Towing, Mooring and Subsea Cable Hook-Up: Challenges and Lessons Learned
Abouzar Daneshpajouh
Project Director, Saitec Offshore Technologies

From prototype to industrialized solution: the PivotBuoy experience
Alex Raventos
CEO & Co-founder, X1 Wind

The Hull Trim System: maximizing value for floating wind projects
Inês Serras Pereira
LCOE and Business Intelligence Lead, Principle Power

Zephyros 1 - the world's first floating offshore wind turbine - status after 15 years of operation
Vidar Onarheim
Business Manager, Zephyros Ocean