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When: Thursday, 21 March 2024, 11:30 - 13:00
Where: Luxua 2
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Session chair

Jan Helsen
Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Sofia Koukoura
Innovation Manager, Iberdrola / ScottishPower

Deployment of Machine Learning algorithms with Human-In-The-Loop for reliability focused maintenance predictions
Dirk Oehlmann
Business Development Manager Cloud Solutions, GreenPowerMonitor

Field test results of a novel fiber optical gearbox condition monitoring solution
Georgo Angelis
Chief Executive Officer, Sensing360 B.V.

Offshore field experimentation for novel hybrid condition monitoring approaches
Cédric Peeters
Post-Doc, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Blade failures - matching detection methods to failure modes
John Coultate
VP Advanced Sensing, ONYX Insight

Improving data sharing in practice - power curve benchmarking case study
Sarah Barber
Head of Wind Energy Innovation Division, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences