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When: Friday, 22 March 2024, 11:30 - 13:00
Where: Luxua 2
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Session chair

Georges Kariniotakis
Professor, Head of Renewable Energies & SmartGrids Group (ERSEI), Centre PERSEE at MINES Paris - ARMINES

Vidushi Dembi
Senior Analyst – Power System & Market Integration, WindEurope

From extension cable towards multi-plug: Enabling multi-terminal multi-vendor HVDC offshore grids
Jan Teuwsen
Head of Offshore Grid Projects, Amprion GmbH

Grid-Forming STATCOM for the grid integration of New Yorks' first Offshore Wind farm
Andrew Owens
Global Product Manager, Hitachi Energy

Hybrid wind/solar/battery sizing considering resources uncertainties and market dynamics
Sid Ahmed Attia
Utilities & Energy Industry Manager, The MathWorks GmbH
Innovations beneath the surface: collaboratively advancing offshore wind through subsea substation technology
Håkon Eidsvik
Senior Engineer Electrical System Design & Grid Integration, Mainstream Renewable Power

The role and potential of demand flexibility to effectively integrate offshore wind.
Bob Prinsen
Associate Director, Guidehouse