ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent PartnersGlobal Markets TheatreWindTalks for InnovationProgramme Committee & Abstract ReviewersSpeaker's DashboardDURABLE: Aerospace and robotic technologies for the wind energy sector
When: Wednesday, 6 April 2022, 14:30 - 16:00
Where: WindTalks Stage - Hall 1
Session description
Interested in aerospace technologies such as inspection and maintenance drones applied to wind energy? Come to the regional technology workshop that will take place in the afternoon with onsite demonstrations of novel technologies linked to aerial inspection and manipulation of windfarms, additive manufacturing, non-destructive testing, remote control or augmented reality. Find out more before the event with the DURABLE Catalogue of Technologies:
14:30 Welcome and introduction to the project (ESTIA: coordinator)
14:40 Presentation of the technologies developed by technical partners
• VICE (Virtual Immersive Cockpit Environment): A versatile virtual cockpit to remotely supervise and control a multi-system of heterogeneous vehicles. Patxi Berard (ESTIA)
• Thermography applied for inspection in wind tower blades. Pablo Lopez (LORTEK)
• Additive manufacturing for efficient and sustainable maintenance and fabrication. Lexuri Vazquez (LORTEK)
• Design and adaptation of aerial platforms for contact NDT inspection applicable to renewable energy sector. Celia Vilches (FADA-CATEC)
• Trajectory planning for a formation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles inspecting wind turbine. Ángel Rodríguez (University of Seville)
• ALERION: From autonomous drone inspection to digital twin. Ibon Diez (ALERION)
16:00 End of workshop

Patxi Berard
Research engineer, ESTIATECH, ESTIA engineer school

Pablo López
Collaborator Researcher in the Group of Control and Digitalization, , LORTEK Technological Centre

Lexuri Vazquez
Senior Researcher in the Group of Additive Manufacturing Technologies, LORTEK

Celia Vilches
Engineer in Testing and Advanced Processes Unit, CATEC

Ángel R. Castaño
Associate Professor, University of Seville

Ibon Diez
Chief Engineer, Alerion Technologies
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