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Wednesday, 28 September 2016
09:00 - 10:30 Making T&D networks fit for wind integration
Integrating wind power into the electricity market  
Onshore      Offshore    

Room: Hall D

Distributed generation can offer clear benefits but also challenges for existing distribution systems. Wind and photovoltaic power from rural areas cause voltage fluctuations and over-voltages after disturbances. High-voltage ride through (HVRT) testing procedures, pilot projects, guideline and code drafting all help to address the HVRT requirement for distributed generation. Using smart components such as line voltage regulators and smart transformers, which include power-electronics and reactive-power compensation, are among other ways to stabilise distribution-level voltage. Applying International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards, ensuring cybersecurity and deploying real-time data exchange communication between wind farms and the distribution system operator (DSO) can easily control and facilitate the integration of more wind power into distribution networks.

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Learning objectives

  • Include the HVRT requirements into the grid codes;
  • Propose smart components with power-electronics to mitigate distribution-level voltage fluctuations and rises in rural areas, both by real experience and using simulations;
  • Enhance data exchange between wind farms and DSOs by ongoing standardisation and deployment of modernised and cyber-secure communication.


This session will be chaired by:
Vladislav Akhmatov, Senior Engineer, Emeritus Professor, Energinet, Denmark


Frederik Kalverkamp FGH GmbH, Germany
Julian Langstädtler (1) F Frederik Kalverkamp (2) Mark Meuser (3)
(1) FGH GmbH, Hamburg, Germany (2) FGH GmbH, Aachen, Germany (3) FGH ZGmbH, Aachen, Germany

Presenter's biography

Biographies are supplied directly by presenters at WindEurope Summit 2016 and are published here unedited

Frederik Kalverkamp studied Electrical Power Engineering and Management and graduated in 2010. At the beginning of 2015 he became leader of the division ‘System Analysis & Grid Integration’ at FGH. On the one hand he’s dealing with challenges of power distribution systems, on the other hand with questions on integrating decentralized power generators. During his thesis at RWTH-Aachen University, he essentially contributed to the German guidelines for grid code compliance certification. He applied them for the very first time in real windfarm projects and collaborated with corresponding standardization committee. Today, he’s also senior expert of FGH certification body.


Robustness against overvoltage by testing the HVRT capability of wind turbines


When penetration of distributed generators (DG) reaches significant share in the power supply, provision of system services becomes increasingly important - in particular in terms fault conditions and system stability.


Resisting voltage dips is a crucial feature in this context and commonly known as LVRT capability. Meanwhile, this mandatory requirement can be found in almost every international grid code. The utilized LVRT testing equipment and procedure is worldwide state of the art. Resulting from further DG installations, system operators have to deal with new challenges which require sophisticated services in order to maintain the security of supply. In this regard, overvoltage is an issue and discussed as High-Voltage-Ride-Through (HVRT) requirement.

Main body of abstract

Overvoltage may take place due to high transmission line capacities and load shedding. In Germany, a relevant incident happened in 2012 when capacitive overvoltage occurred after a 2-phase fault on an overhead transmission line with loss of 1.7 GW generating power. Therefore, for verification of such robustness adequate testing is needed. Hence, the paper emphasizes both technical relevance of HVRT within grid codes and testing configuration. By taking into account developments in grid code preparation it highlights also the current debate in national context and refers to the European Network Code Requirements for Generators (ENC RfG). Since no HVRT requirement can be found in the ENC RfG yet, the potential introduction of such non-exhaustive requirements is subject to national implementation and regulation. The requirement’s definition was incorporated in the German new grid code VDE-AR-N 4120 for high voltage connection meanwhile, and it is supposed to be included in the upcoming new medium voltage directive VDE-AR-N 4110 as well.


Thus, experiences from successful HVRT testing in pilot projects at wind turbines are described and analyzed. This contribution can be used for technical guideline proposals as well as code drafting. Wind turbine manufacturers will have to design their products accordingly and benefit from experiential findings.

Learning objectives
HVRT requirement, background and motivation, newest grid code developments, design requirements for wind turbine manufacturers, definition and description of appropriate testing and testing systems, experiences and lessons learned from pilot projects