ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersGlobal Markets TheatreSafety, Skills & Training ZoneInnovation ParkFinancing the expansion of offshore wind
High-level & Plenaries
When: Wednesday, 27 November 2019, 9:00 - 10:15
Where: A15
Session description
We will need sustained levels of investments to achieve 450 GW of installed – and connected - offshore wind capacity by 2050. This session will look at the outlook and conditions to get the financials right, both for financing offshore wind projects and for building the offshore grid.
Session chair

Christina Sørensen
Senior Partner, CIP

Setting the scene: insights from the IEA's World Energy Outlook
Brent Wanner
Lead, Power Generation Analysis, International Energy Agency
Panel Discussion

Stéphane Dubos
Executive Director, Power & Renewables Infrastructure Industry Group, Natixis

Mary Quaney
CFO, Mainstream Renewables

Ed Northam
Head of GIG Europe, Green Investment Group

Alessandro Izzo
Head of Project Finance and Regulated Assets, Division Western Europe, European Investment Bank

Alfred Hoffmann
Head of Portfolio and Business Development - Business Area Wind, Vattenfall

Liv Lønnum
Secretary of State, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Norway