ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent PartnersPowering the FutureMarkets TheatreResearch & Innovation in actionStudent programmePresenters dashboardRound table: What is needed to build a solid business case for hybrid wind farms?
When: Thursday, 21 March 2024, 10:00 - 11:00
Where: Room 3, level 5
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Learning objectives
Conference pass not required Coupling wind energy with other functions offers additional opportunities for investors to improve their business cases, while supporting the green energy transition. Energy storage, hydrogen or e-fuel production, solar energy or grid ancillary services like voltage or frequency support and black start are good candidates. The roundtable will explore the key drivers and challenges linked to hybrid wind power plants, within a 360° view encompassing technical, economical, and regulatory aspects.
Session chair

Adrian Timbus
Chairman, ETIP Wind - Vice President Portfolio and Market Strategy, Hitachi Energy

Niels Diepeveen
Project Director, TenneT

Harvesting the power of the sun to improve the production of renewable energy offshore: challenges and perspectives from a floating solar demonstrator project offshore the coast of Belgium
Business Development & Sales Manager Offshore, Tractebel

How to co-locate batteries to an existing wind farm in order to prevent grid congestion and improve the assets’ business case: a case study from the Netherlands
Rens Savenije
Business Lead System Integration, Ventolines

Understanding design and operation of large-scale wind powered off-grid hydrogen production
Steinar Halsne
Senior Power System Design Engineer, ABB