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When: Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 9:00 - 10:30
Where: Auditorium 1 + 2
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Session chair

Giles Dickson
CEO, WindEurope

Jose Luis Blanco
Chairman, WindEurope

Juan Diego Díaz Vega
President, Asociación Empresarial Eólica

Arantxa Tapia
Minister for Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment, Basque Government

Roman Andarak
Director General for Strategic Planning and European Integration, Ministry of Energy, Ukraine

Teresa Ribera
Vice-president of the government, Minister for the ecological transition and the demographic challenge, Spain
Introduction to the panel

Philipp Nimmermann
State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, Germany

Philipp Nimmermann
State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, Germany

Dr Çetin Ali Dönmez
Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology , Türkiye

Alexandra Sdoukou
Deputy Minister of Energy and Environment, Greece

Carolina Novac
State Secretary in the Ministry of Energy, Moldova

Jochen Eickholt
CEO, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

Katja Wünschel
CEO Onshore Wind/PV Europe & Australia, RWE
Xabier Viteri Solaun
Managing Director, Iberdrola Renewables

Duarte Bello
CEO Europe and Latin America, EDPR