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When: Thursday, 21 March 2024, 17:30 - 18:30
Where: Luxua 2
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Session chair

Simon Watson
Professor of Wind Energy Systems and Director of DUWIND, TU Delft

Paula Gallardo
Chief Consultant - Offshore Wind Advisory, Ramboll

Assessing tow-to-port strategy: Is it "Holding Back the Future of Floating Offshore Wind"?
Manu Centeno-Telleria
PhD Candidate, Mondragon University

Characterization of a port infrastructure and the main logistics challenges in the offshore wind operations
Monalisa Godeiro
Senior Reseacher/Head of Ports, Creation Research Group (UFRN)

Experimental Development and Field Validation of Rock Anchors for Sustainable Onshore Foundations
Jan Suchorzewski
Director for Material Design, Dep. Infrastructure and Concrete Technology, RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden

GWO Instructor Qualification Framework
Thomas Grønlund
Senior Training Project Manager, Global Wind Organisation (GWO)