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When: Thursday, 21 March 2024, 16:00 - 17:15
Where: Auditorium 2
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Session description
The EU should be building 30 GW of new wind every year between now and 2030. More wind farms also means more interaction with other societal actors including defence, fisheries, nature and communities. It’s crucial that the industry seeks active cooperation with other sectors and societal interests to pursue the harmonious coexistence of all. How do Governments facilitate this, by for example including non-price criteria in their auctions? How do we make sure communities are included? And how do we guarantee that wind energy’s impacts on nature are properly mitigated and where relevant, compensated ?
Session chair

Mattia Cecchinato
Senior Advisor Offshore Wind Policy, WindEurope

Ariel Brunner
Regional Director, BirdLife Europe and Central Asia
Nature protection and restoration in wind farms

Antonia Leroy
Head of Ocean Policy, WWF EPO

Xavier Guillou
Team Leader - Marine Renewable Energies and Maritime Spatial Planning, European Commission

Lori Anna Conzo
Global Biodiversity Lead, International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group
Citizens and communities

Emma Reiners
Global Head of Communications, Acciona Energía

Seda Orhan
Renewable Energy Program Manager, CAN Europe
Fisheries, and other economic activities

Marta Cavallé
Executive Secretary – Low Impact Fishers Europe, LIFE Platform

Angela Schultz-Zehden
Managing Director, SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEG

Xavier Guillou
Team Leader - Marine Renewable Energies and Maritime Spatial Planning, European Commission